Monday, September 5, 2011

A Miter Saw Mind Block

It's been a couple more days of measuring, cutting, sanding, installing and stepping back to wonder what in the world is next.  I've been working on our guest bath and while I've enjoyed putting pieces together, I'm uncertain of certain aspects.  Does this wood match?  Does this really belong in the bathroom?  Will someone notice that I was off by 1" when installing my galvanized metal cleats??  (I noticed this one too late, after I'd already put up two of them.  Oh well, I'm the only one that knows, right?)
The chair rail was my first idea.  While I know there will be no chairs in the bathroom, I wanted to do something that would give the bathroom more of a nautical feel, without going cheesy and traditional.  I decided to sand some left over pallet wood (there's never enough left over pallets.  I've decided I have to keep a few of these in stock on the side of the house.  My husband disagrees.) and install a couple of pieces as a chair rail, approx. 38", from the ground.  I had gone to the Bass Pro Shop and bought some cast iron galvanized metal cleats, used in boating.  I spray painted them with a metallic bronze spray paint and then installed them every 22" 21" along the rail.  It turned out even better than I envisioned, so I was happy.
Guest Bathroom Chair Railing w/Pallet wood and galvanized cleats.
Next, I decided to finish up a shelving idea I got guessed it....Pinterest.  I had been putting this off, as this was what I was working on when the "great paint spill" of August 24th happened.  I didn't feel like painting the last coat of paint, in fear that I would spill again.  But, yesterday, I finally dug in and kicked myself into gear and finished the shelves up.  I sanded them down a bit and Chris and I spent an hour trying to hang them.  Working with rope is tricky and this shelf had about 30ft of rope to play with.  I have little rope stickers in my fingers as I type this.  
Guest Bathroom Upcycled Pallet-Rope Shelf
Of course, the rope was really the least of our concerns, it turned out.  For some reason, we could not get the anchor to stay in the wall and we ended up with about 4 different holes, that we had to fill with newspaper, spackle, sand and repaint.  Ohhhh, the fun we're having now!  Once I've got everything done in this bathroom, I'll be sure to try and take a better picture of the whole bathroom.  Right now, it's just a mess, as we do it all, piece by piece.  Now to tackle the flooring.  With less than 55sq ft. in this room, it shouldn't be that expensive (or difficult???) to redo.
Here's probably something a lot of people don't know about me.  I LOVE power tools!!  From saws, to drills and grinders.....I love tools!!  I've always loved being creative and what could be more creative than working with power tools?  Since we've lived here in AZ, I've had dreams of putting up crown molding and making my own frames, etc.  For this type of work, you really need a miter saw and I'v often stared at them longingly, as we walked by them in Home Depot.  I've mentioned it to Chris many times over the years and he just nods his head and walks away from the tool crib.  I've come in desperate need of one, since I decided to tear up my house and know that it was silly to just got out and buy one on a whim.  I even started looking up used one's on Craigslist, just to see how much they would set me back.  Then, the funniest thing happened........I was in the garage checking out another project and I noticed a  blue and red box, sitting under a spare's been sitting in that same place for years.  Out of the way, minding it's own business, but not so out of the way, that you can't read the side of the box or see the picture of a MITER SAW on it.  Good grief!!!  We have had this saw for over 7 years now and the box has never been opened.  It's mine.  Yep, I got it as a present, believe it or not.  Sounds like a really nice gift, right?  Especially for someone that loves tools??  Well, it would have been, but not for the fact that Chris gave me this Miter Saw for our 1st Anniversary!  I remember now.  It's all coming back to me in flashes.  I remember him bringing it to me and exclaiming "Happy Anniversary!" and me, trying to be excited about something that I really did want, but was really a little ticked off.....I mean, it's our FIRST anniversary!  Who gives their wife a saw for their first anniv?  Okay, I can understand the 6th anniv or even the 7th, 8th or 9th, but not the 1st!  I think I was so traumatized that I blocked it out of my mind completely.  That can only explain why we've had one sitting in the garage for 7.5 years.  It made the move with us from California to AZ and then has survived garage cleanings and all, undetected by my eyes.  It was not hiding!  It was out where I could see it every single day that I went into the garage.  By no means was this something I could have just "missed", because it was tucked in a corner.  If you've ever seen a Ryobi box of any sort, you know that they are bright blue and red.  They say that your brain blocks out traumatic events, to prevent you from remember unnecessary horrors.........LOL!  Guess this is what happened here.
You can only guess how much I've used my "new" miter saw in the past few days.  My skill saw has nothing on this Ryobi!  Watch out Home Depot!  You're about to get another investor.

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