Saturday, August 13, 2011

DIY - Tiny Flowers Wall Hanging

Made from misprinted business cards
I hate for things to go to waste.  A few months ago, I got some business cards, that the printer ended up doing a little off center.  The printer didn't want them back and they were sending out new cards, so I kept the bad ones, figuring maybe I could use them for something......someday.  So, they sat in my bottom desk drawer for a bit.  Then I got this idea.  What if I cut them up and did sort of a mosaic design out of them, to make out my business name?  After all, they were the colors of my logo and how fun would that look in my bakery room!  I cut out several cards, just randomly cutting little pieces, when another thought crossed my mind.  Why don't I use a punch, in the shape of a daisy (A couple of daisies are on my cards), and use those, instead of random mosaic pieces?  I loved how it turned out and believe it or not, it was a fairly quick and easy project.  The hardest part was, punching out all of the daisies.  Luckily, I always have a helper near by.  While my Husband was watching TV, I had him punch, while I was busy gluing on these cute little things.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out.  I might add a boarder around the canvas, but for right now, I'll just give you the instructions.  (This is my first tutorial, so please excuse any mistakes or omissions I may make.)

Here's what you'll need:

Blank Painters Canvas - (Any size you choose.  I used a 20x16")
Old Business Cards -  (Anything of your choosing...scrapbook paper, old calendars, old photos)
Crafter's Daisy Punch - Small
Hot Glue Gun
Print out of your letters or Stencils - (I used Photoshop to print out large letters in the font that I use on my bus. cards.  You can print and cut out this way or if you have stencils, you can use them as well.)
*Optional* - Embossing Stylus

The first thing you want to do, is punch out a bunch of daisies.  While this takes a bit of time, you'll be grateful to get this part of the project over.  I think I may have only used about 20 business cards or so for the whole project.  Once you've got the daisies cut out, you have the option of leaving them flat or making them a little more 3D.  I choose to give them a little pop from the canvas, so I took an embossing tool (not pictured above) and just pressed down in the middle and the petals sort of just lifted up.

Now you want to take your paper print out of your letters (or your stencils) and line them up on your canvas, to ensure proper placement and adjust for size and height.
Aliegn Paper Cutouts/Printouts
Once you have it all aliegned, you now want to trace this onto the canvas.  Remove one section at a time and use your pencil to lightly trace the outline of the cutout/stencil.  If you make a mistake, you can always erase!  :-)  Be sure not to press to firmly on your pencil, as you only want to use your outline for a guide, on where to place your daisies.
Once you've got the whole thing outlined, you are ready to go and you can start glueing on your daisies.
I forgot to take a picture of the gluing process, but I think you'll understand how to do this.  Dab a SMALL amount of hot glue on the back of your daisy and quickly put it into position on your first letter.  Work your way thru the letter, making sure you cover up the entire letter.  Try to place your daisies within the outline, but covering up your pencil markings.  Place enough daisies on your letters, so that all white background is covered.  The beauty of this project is that you can't really mess up.  If you get a daisy on there you don't like, just tear it off and use another daisy to put over it.  Your final project will give your room that little personal touch.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Recipe - Spicy Guacamole

Spicy Guacamole
If you love Guacamole, then you know there's nothing like making it fresh.  And since I love spicy, I had to break out the serrano peppers for this recipe.  If you're not a fan of that much "fire", then you can either omit the peppers or substitute them for something more mild....maybe a jalapeno, if you're daring.

Spicy Guacamole

4-6 medium size Avocados
2 Roma Tomatoes, seeded and diced
1/2 Red Onion, diced finely
4 Serranos, diced
1/2 bunch of Cilantro, chopped
2 Fresh Garlic Cloves, diced
2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
Juice of one Lime
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a bowl, mash avocados with the lemon and lime juice.  Add in diced tomatoes, onions, serranos, garlic and salt and pepper.  Mix well and season to taste.  (If too dry, add a little more lemon juice)  After all ingredients are incorporated, mix in your cilantro.  Cover and refrigerate for 2-3 hours before eating.  Serve with warm tortilla chips.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Have your heard of  Thanks to my dear cousin, I am now hopelessly addicted to yet another website.  Pinterest is this great site, that really is hard to explain.  It's basically a site for ideas, travel, home decor, party planning, recipes, etc, that people have found on the web and wanted to share with others.  You can create your own boards and "pin" stuff up on your boards, that you like and share it with the world.  I don't feel like I'm explaining myself very well, but take a look for yourself and you'll see what I mean.  I've got so many new ideas and projects, my Husband is looking to hunt Anna (my cousin......Anna, run for your life!!  Lol) and thank her in a very impolite way.  I'm working on home decor projects now that will have me off facebook in no time.  Guess it's both a good thing and a bad thing.  Check out this site, if you need one more thing to do in your won't be sorry.  :-)
Yesterday, I had Chris go to the store and get me a Sweet Potato.  I was craving Sweet Potato Fries and Zucchini, but I was missing the sweet potato.  When I went to peel it, I noticed that it was not the color of the normal sweet potatoes we buy, but a beautiful purple color.  I immediately grabbed my camera and wanted to photograph this deep purple-ish vegetable.
Purple Sweet Potato
Since I'm fairly new to even eating sweet potatoes, I decided I better look this up online, as I've had a bad one before and it's a horrible taste.  Turns out, there are purple sweet potatoes.  As I was peeling it, I was even more concerned, because the flesh was not the golden orange that I am used to.  It was rather white, like a normal Idaho potato.  And, this thing started to turn brown quickly after it was cut.  I tried to hurry things along and get it all coated to go in the oven, still not sure that it was going to taste even remotely the same.  Wow!  It was outstanding!!  Perfectly crispy.  I did find that I had to cook them a little longer than normal, but all the same........Cajun-Cayenne Purple Sweet Potato Fries.  Uummmmm!
Cajun-Cayenne Sweet Potato Fries

So, who's going to be the first one to tell me that these are incredibly bad for you??  I don't want them to be, but they tasted too good to be healthy.  I guess I need to do some more research on them.  For now, I'll just remember the taste of these crispy little guys and try not to think about all of the carbs that I shoved into my mouth.  (That's what the gym is for, right??)
I am getting so excited for next week...............
Josh Groban Concert!
Chris got me tickets to go to Josh Groban back in February.  I was so happy.  Josh hasn't been on tour in 4 years and I've been waiting forever to see him, live.  Unfortunately, Chris can't make the concert (I really don't think he's all that broken up about it, to be honest!), so I get to take my Cousin, Shauna.  Yea!  A girls night out AND it's her birthday!  So glad that she can go with me.  Will post details of the concert next Saturday.  Now....the biggest question is where to go to dinner before hand?......Guess I should get going on that.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Who knew that blogging would take over my life?  I've spent the last two days, ignoring almost everything and trying to make a clean design for my blog, that says something about me.  When you're completely anal (and I'm not suggesting anyone out there is at all!) like I am, nothing ever looks right.  I think I must have spent 8 hours alone, just playing with fonts and downloading new ones.  My eyes are going buggy, from staring at the computer screen for so long and now I just want to rest.  I'm asking myself now, what I've gotten I think in a previous life, I was some sort of graphic designer.  (No, I don't really believe I had a previous life, but I don't know where I get some of these characteristics!)
I did manage to tear myself away from the confines of the den, long enough to make Chris a new crepe I wanted to try out.  I couldn't find a recipe for a white chocolate crepe, so I made one up.  Wasn't sure if the white chocolate was going to work in the crepe at all, but it turned out fantastic.
A White Chocolate Crepe with Fresh Raspberries, Raspberry and White Chocolate Sauce and grated White Chocolate to top it off.  I think this one has Chris' approval.  I didn't even taste it, as I was much to eager to get back to sitting in front of the computer screen.
I'll keep this short, as I'm going to bed early.  Time to catch up on some "Lock Up: Boston"

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I really DON'T eat all of the time!

From all of my previous posts (and this one too.  I'll just admit this now, so you don't go thinking that I've strayed away from the kitchen), you'd think all I do is cook and eat.  I actually have a life, outside of cooking.  While I'll be the first to admit, it's not much of a life without food, I do other things.  For instance, take today.....While it started out decorating a few cupcakes and then delivering them, my day progressed into cleaning.  Yep, unfortunately, that's part of my life too.  While I try and do as little of this cleaning thing as possible, I find myself doing something of that sort of nature every single day.  How this got to be such an important element of my life, is beyond me.  When I was little young I did not know I would have to resort to "cleaning up" so often or I would have had no desire to become an adult so quickly.  These are just some of the little things Adults should tell a child.
Anyway, the cleaning of the master suite became a two person job today.  First, Chris decided to hang the new towel rack by himself.  (Let me explain....if he's not level with something that requires a screw into the wall, there will be a lot of putty, sanding, painting and yelling involved when I see it.  I'm anal and a perfectionist, what can I say?)  It actually turned out to be level and looks really nice in our bathroom.   Yeah for more spaces to hang things!
Since this little project required Chris to step into the tub and drill holes into sheetrock, we had to clean the tub.  Well, since we were cleaning the tub, we might as well clean the rest of the bathroom.  Since all this cleaning was going on, we might as well do the entire bedroom.  I mean, all of the cleaning tools were out....Doesn't this just mean "get it all done, now!?"  Poor Chris, here he thought he was going into the bathroom to work on the towel rack and I had to go in there and find him, mid-project.  So much that we got accomplished!  Bathroom is sparkling and bedroom is not dusty.  (Well, of course, by the time you read this blog, the dust will have piled up an inch and a half thick.  It's Arizona for goodness sake and we're about to have a haboob/dust storm!)
Another thing that I do outside of cooking, cleaning and eating, is a little photography.  I have played with my camera for years.  While I will never be any sort of professional photographer, I enjoy seeing things come to life thru the lens, hearing the click of the shutter and seeing the finished product on my computer.  While I love all types of photography, it seems that I'm drawn to food styling lately.  I've been reading blogs and books, trying to understand how it is, that certain pictures make you want to jump into a screen or onto a page, and eat what's being presented to you.  How can I do that?  I'm sure it's something that I'll be asking for a long time, but I'm always a work in progress and love a challenge.  Here's a picture that I just took and am thinking it's one of the best I've taken to date.
This was actually tonight's dinner.  Baked Salmon on a bed of Mashed Potatoes with a Lemon Butter Sauce.  I can almost taste it again.
It's actually a funny thing about this meal above.  I HATE seafood.  Don't like the taste, don't like the texture, don't like the smell.  This is absolutely the only seafood that I will ever eat.  I have it once a year and I have to cook it and it has to be cooked the same way.  Not only do I have to cook it, but I have to buy it from one of the most expensive stores around, due to quality of the salmon.  There's a funny story behind the plate of food and it goes like this:
A long time ago, before I married my Husband (of course), I dated a guy that lived in Napa.  Since his parents still lived there, we would often go out to eat with them.  I was in love with his parents.  Best people around and they really treated me like family.  One particular night the four of us decided to go out to eat.  They lived less than a mile from Bistro Don Giovanni in Napa.  I had never been and was looking forward to a great meal.  Unfortunately, I'm a very picky eater.  I mean, if it's not the norm, I'm not one to try out something new in a restaurant.  (Why pay for something if you're not entirely sure you're going to like it, right?)  We get to the restaurant and Mr. "C" ( The Dad - names are being omitted to protect the innocent) orders appetizers.  Love appetizers!  Carpaccio.  Wait......what?  Carpaccio?  Isn't that uncooked meat?  Uhhhgggg!  Well, since I wasn't paying for the meal and I needed to be polite, I'd better hunker down and think of a way to get this down, without losing it in the middle of the restaurant.  Meanwhile, as I'm contemplating the ways to make a break from the establishment, I begin looking over the menu.  I can see that I'm in some real trouble.  Duck.  No thanks.  Halibut.  Seafood....No.  More game thanks.  Seared Salmon on Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes with tomato, chive and butter.  Well, everything but the Seared Salmon sounds good.  Seriously, why in the world was everything on the menu looking so inedible?  In the mean time, the appetizer arrives.  Carpaccio is looking rare indeed.  I hate seeing any red in my meat.  Something that screams "I was alive 12 hours ago", doesn't appeal to me.  I know, I know.....I eat meat all of the time.  I just don't eat uncooked bloody meat all of the time.
Now the waiter wants to know what I want to eat.  With very little to choose from, for this particular crazy picky eater, I panic and choose the first thing that has the most "sides" that I can eat without making a face.  That happens to be the Seared Salmon.  Can't think about that now, I have to dig into this Carpaccio, before Mr.& Mrs. C think that I'm ungrateful.  I take some on my plate, along with as many capers and parm slices as possible and with a small grimace, put as little as I can in my mouth.  Hmmmm......that's kind of different, yet surprisingly tasty!  Maybe I'll have another bite.  A little less apprehension this time and the flavors together are wonderful.  Who knew I could like something like this?  Not me.  Because I never would have tried this on my own.  Wonderful!  Now that I've realized I like this dish, I suddenly remember that I have a meal coming, that I'm even less sure about than I was with the dish in front of me.  Now that the wheels are turning, my obvious thought was to get full on Carpaccio and then just claim that I ate too much of it, when someone noticed that I hadn't touched the salmon.  Do you have any idea how difficult it is to fill up on Carpaccio?  Oh well.  It was a good thought.
My meal arrived and I could swear that I smelled it coming a mile away.  Most of that was in my head, as I'm sensitive to seafood smells.  Again, with a grimace, I daintily took my first bite.  The buttermilk potatoes were to die for!  So creamy and mixed with the lemon butter sauce.  YUM!!!  Since I liked the potatoes so much, if I just buried a small piece of salmon in a giant bite of potatoes, I would never taste the salmon and it would appear as if I'm eating everything on my plate.  Trouble with that was, I really liked this food.  I mean, the salmon wasn't overpowering, the smell was almost non-existent and the texture was really crisp and not meaty or mushy.  I felt like I could break into a dance, I was so happy.  2 new things in one night.  Something that hasn't happened to me since and probably will never happen again.  Thanks, Mr. & Mrs. C for pushing me along and making me try new things, without ever knowing you were doing so.  I will always be grateful.
So, that's my story on how I came to eat this meal once a year.  I craved this after I had it and was bound and determined to figure out how to make it myself and I did.  I've tried other salmon since, and I still don't like it.  I get a craving for this meal and have it and then don't want it for another year.  One of these days, I'll go back to Don Giovanni and have their dish that inspired me.  But for now, I've got a whole new year ahead of me.

Meatless Monday/Thursday & Malfatti

Have you ever stopped and thought about how much fat is in the meat we consume?  I didn't, until I started working out with a trainer and I really had to think about what I was eating.  While I will never be a vegetarian, I am more cautious about what's going in my mouth.  I've started eating less and less meat over the past 7 months and it hasn't been that difficult or actually something that I really set out to do.  It just sort of happened.  Chris thinks that I'm half way to being a vegetarian already, but that is so not true!  I like a good steak, a turkey burger, some pork souvlaki or some ground turkey chili still.  I just don't eat meat every day.  Here's my "Chicken" Chow Mein I made for Meatless Monday Thursday,  (Somehow we skipped the Monday part and moved it to Thursday this week.  It still counts, right?)
Now, you're probably wondering why I called it 'Chicken Chow Mein' and wondering why you swear you see pieces of meat in that bowl.  Well, it's chicken, sort of.  It's actually a Gardein soy chicken.  Not really a chicken at all, but a soy based product.  Let me tell you, this is actually good!!  And, it tastes nothing like some of the nasty stuff that I've known as soy before.  Gardein has some amazing products out there and there is nothing like their Chipotle Lime Chicken Fingers or my favorite, Chicken Tenders.  If someone would have put the chicken tenders in front of me and told me they were actually chicken, I would have believed them.  They taste no different, yet have 8-10 grams of protein (depending on which product you get) per serving!!!  If you have kids and they like chicken fingers, try these out.  They won't know the difference!  I get these at the local Target Superstores, but they have them all over.  Check out your frozen food section.
All week, there's been a facebook craze with pages that start like this:  You know you're from (insert your home town here) if....  It's got me thinking about growing up in Napa and what I really missed.  (There are a lot more things I don't miss, I can tell you that!)  But one of those things is Malfatti's.  Ever had them?  Ever even heard of them?  If you grew up in Napa (or Italy, apparently) or if you ever had relatives that lived in Napa, and you came to visit for the holidays, you probably know what Malfatti's are.  They are this insanely wonderful pasta dish (No, not really pasta.  It's more like the insides of a ravioli, without the actual pasta on the outside).  I remember as a kid, going with Grandma or Grandpa or my Uncle's or Aunts, inside of a liquor store, to get raviolis and malfatti.  Crazy thing about this was, you had to always bring your own pot.  You couldn't go there and just order the dishes and expect it to come to you packaged a ready to go.  Your pot was a must.  Everyone has heard of ravioli, but malfatti are something I have only experienced in Napa.  It was just a little while ago, that I learned malfatti were not invented in Lawler's Liquors or The Depot, but were actually made in Italy.  Who knew Napa was so progressive?
After reading post after post on facebook, on all the people that loved and missed malfatti, I decided to hunt down a recipe and see if I could make them myself.  Turns out I can!
Malfatti in Marinara Sauce
These were so good and brought back of wave of memories.  While there will never be anything like Lawler's Liquor's or The Depot's, they do satisfy a craving and will do, until I get back to Napa and ship some of the good stuff back here to AZ.  (I made a double batch of these and have some in my freezer, waiting for my next "I must have" fix)