Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Who knew that blogging would take over my life?  I've spent the last two days, ignoring almost everything and trying to make a clean design for my blog, that says something about me.  When you're completely anal (and I'm not suggesting anyone out there is at all!) like I am, nothing ever looks right.  I think I must have spent 8 hours alone, just playing with fonts and downloading new ones.  My eyes are going buggy, from staring at the computer screen for so long and now I just want to rest.  I'm asking myself now, what I've gotten into......as I think in a previous life, I was some sort of graphic designer.  (No, I don't really believe I had a previous life, but I don't know where I get some of these characteristics!)
I did manage to tear myself away from the confines of the den, long enough to make Chris a new crepe I wanted to try out.  I couldn't find a recipe for a white chocolate crepe, so I made one up.  Wasn't sure if the white chocolate was going to work in the crepe at all, but it turned out fantastic.
A White Chocolate Crepe with Fresh Raspberries, Raspberry and White Chocolate Sauce and grated White Chocolate to top it off.  I think this one has Chris' approval.  I didn't even taste it, as I was much to eager to get back to sitting in front of the computer screen.
I'll keep this short, as I'm going to bed early.  Time to catch up on some "Lock Up: Boston"


  1. So I typed a comment this morning. Then I apparently navigated away from your blog without pushing "post comment" - whoops! Basically I think you need some serious blog addiction intervention! ANYTHING that is so addicting it keeps one from devouring white chocolate/raspberry crepes is just not right ;) mmmm they look good! My latest addiction (although I must admit not addicting enough to keep me from eating crepes like THAT!) is pinterest! Have you tried it yet? You pin recipes/idea's/or anything really to your board. Anything from any website. Then it becomes a huge collage of pictures and when you click on the thumbnail it takes you to the page that the thumbnail you clicked on came from! soooo much better than trying to just add everything to bookmarks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't know what's wrong with this blog, but I've tried to post this comment 4 different times now! Anna, THANKS! That is just what I needed. Yet another thing to keep me in front of the computer. I'm on a waiting list for pinterest, but what a great site!!!! I can't wait to get on it. :-)

  4. on Pinterest you can browse what other people have pinned and repin it to your boards AND you can add a thing to your toolbar that allows you to pin things you find all over the web! have fun ;) I was in bed at 10 last night attempting to get to bed early and catch up on sleep. I was restless and ended up pinning stuff on my boards till almost midnight haha... yeah... it can be bad news!
