Saturday, August 13, 2011

DIY - Tiny Flowers Wall Hanging

Made from misprinted business cards
I hate for things to go to waste.  A few months ago, I got some business cards, that the printer ended up doing a little off center.  The printer didn't want them back and they were sending out new cards, so I kept the bad ones, figuring maybe I could use them for something......someday.  So, they sat in my bottom desk drawer for a bit.  Then I got this idea.  What if I cut them up and did sort of a mosaic design out of them, to make out my business name?  After all, they were the colors of my logo and how fun would that look in my bakery room!  I cut out several cards, just randomly cutting little pieces, when another thought crossed my mind.  Why don't I use a punch, in the shape of a daisy (A couple of daisies are on my cards), and use those, instead of random mosaic pieces?  I loved how it turned out and believe it or not, it was a fairly quick and easy project.  The hardest part was, punching out all of the daisies.  Luckily, I always have a helper near by.  While my Husband was watching TV, I had him punch, while I was busy gluing on these cute little things.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out.  I might add a boarder around the canvas, but for right now, I'll just give you the instructions.  (This is my first tutorial, so please excuse any mistakes or omissions I may make.)

Here's what you'll need:

Blank Painters Canvas - (Any size you choose.  I used a 20x16")
Old Business Cards -  (Anything of your choosing...scrapbook paper, old calendars, old photos)
Crafter's Daisy Punch - Small
Hot Glue Gun
Print out of your letters or Stencils - (I used Photoshop to print out large letters in the font that I use on my bus. cards.  You can print and cut out this way or if you have stencils, you can use them as well.)
*Optional* - Embossing Stylus

The first thing you want to do, is punch out a bunch of daisies.  While this takes a bit of time, you'll be grateful to get this part of the project over.  I think I may have only used about 20 business cards or so for the whole project.  Once you've got the daisies cut out, you have the option of leaving them flat or making them a little more 3D.  I choose to give them a little pop from the canvas, so I took an embossing tool (not pictured above) and just pressed down in the middle and the petals sort of just lifted up.

Now you want to take your paper print out of your letters (or your stencils) and line them up on your canvas, to ensure proper placement and adjust for size and height.
Aliegn Paper Cutouts/Printouts
Once you have it all aliegned, you now want to trace this onto the canvas.  Remove one section at a time and use your pencil to lightly trace the outline of the cutout/stencil.  If you make a mistake, you can always erase!  :-)  Be sure not to press to firmly on your pencil, as you only want to use your outline for a guide, on where to place your daisies.
Once you've got the whole thing outlined, you are ready to go and you can start glueing on your daisies.
I forgot to take a picture of the gluing process, but I think you'll understand how to do this.  Dab a SMALL amount of hot glue on the back of your daisy and quickly put it into position on your first letter.  Work your way thru the letter, making sure you cover up the entire letter.  Try to place your daisies within the outline, but covering up your pencil markings.  Place enough daisies on your letters, so that all white background is covered.  The beauty of this project is that you can't really mess up.  If you get a daisy on there you don't like, just tear it off and use another daisy to put over it.  Your final project will give your room that little personal touch.

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