Thursday, July 7, 2011

I want someone to give me this kind of day!

Savannah made it up before I did!  Started the morning out at 7am.  For some reason, I was exhausted (can't figure out why??!!!) and slept in until 8am.  We decided to leave the house at 9:30 and headed out for a fun Aunt/Niece day!  I asked Savannah what she wanted to do first.  (Evidently it was a silly question)  Pedicure, please!  So off to Tipsy Toes we went.
Could she have found a brighter pink????
Savannah loved it!  She even wanted to know what kind of lotion they used, when they gave her the mini leg massage.  She kept feeling her legs and telling me how smooth they were!  "Feel my legs, Auntie!"  So easily pleased.
Now it was time to do some serious shopping and damage to my debit card.  Off to TJMax and Old Navy.  We found a lot of cute things and Savannah managed to make out with a total of 6 shirts, a pair of bermuda shorts and linen shorts.  Now I want a shopping spree!  Any volunteers out there??  Here's what we came home with...
After all of that shopping, I had one starving, starting to get grumpy kid on my hands.  Where in the world was Sonic?  It seemed like we drove forever before I managed to find one and get some food into my poor little niece.
It's amazing what a little food can do.  Savannah was happy within minutes of chowing down on a very large cheeseburger, fries and cherry-limeade.  All is right with the world now.
Savannah really wanted to bake, so she picked out a cake that she wanted to make and got all the ingredients.  I'm a sucker for anything Lemon, so I was excited when she picked out a Lemon Poppyseed cake with Lemon cream cheese frosting.  We slaved in the kitchen (okay, I did most of the work and Savannah measured out the ingedients, then got bored and went to watch TV.....I thought I had an attention problem.)
She then came back to stir for a minute, but complained that the stove was too hot.  WHAT???  Funny, I thought that was the purpose of the whole stove concept......HOT!  Lol!
Cakes got put into the oven and I made the frosting and cleaned the kitchen.  I tried to explain to Savannah that cleaning was a part of baking too, but she complained that her legs were tired (we spent a total of 30 minutes cooking) and that she did wipe the counter down at the beginning of our baking process.  It's very difficult reasoning with an 11 year old.  She makes me laugh.  She really is a good kid and I couldn't ask for a better child to have come stay with us.
Tonight's dinner was Carne Asada tacos with all the fixings.  Savannah had two giant tacos and a big bowl of spanish rice.
I made the comment that she hadn't eaten as much today, as she did yesterday.  She politely informed me that yesterday, she'd spent all afternoon swimming and that was cardio exercise.  She ALWAYS ate more when she was doing cardio.  Well!  That put me in my place, didn't it?  :-)
The cake was finally cooled enough for us to fill it.  We had planned on decorating it, but it was just too soft of cake and was really crumbly.  It was the first time I'd made this particular cake.  Oh!  The crumbs I tasted  were amazing and I don't even eat cake.
3 layers of lemon cream cheese filling and 5 layers of lemon poppyseed cake!  Good stuff, but definitely not a decorating cake.
Now it was movie time.  I was informed that Savannah could watch a PG-13 movie, as long as an adult watched it with her.  I told her that I would not be watching the movie, Grownups, but Uncle Chris would be more than happy to watch it with her.  And that's exactly what happened.

Another fun filled day with an amazing girl.  I know my time with her is short and one of these years, sometime soon, she won't want to come to Arizona to visit me.  She'll be too busy with her friends.  I know to enjoy every minute of it while I can.

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