Monday, July 11, 2011

Family Time

It's been such a busy past few days, that I haven't had a moment to stop and think, let alone write a blog entry.  It's been so much fun having my niece, Savannah, here with us.  My Brother Shane and his girlfriend, Elena, flew in from Cali, Friday night.  I haven't seen them since October of last year and have really missed everyone.  Such a special treat to have them come out for a couple of days.
On Friday, Savannah and I busily prepared for her Dad to arrive.  Okay, that might be a bit of a stretch.  I should say, I busily prepared for my Brother to arrive and Savannah......well, this is what she did all day.
The Wii is a kid's best friend:
Aren't video games the greatest invention??  I guess they can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on the day.  Since I had so much to do, it was great that Savannah was so easily entertained.  She never complained once about just relaxing.  Great kid!!
I cooked, cleaned and decorated a cake for Shane.  By the time we left for the airport, I was almost wiped out!  I had been up since 7:30am and didn't sit down once until we got in the car, to drive to the airport, around 8pm.  Shane and Elena's plane was delayed a few minutes and we didn't make it home until well after 10:30pm.  Time to eat some dinner, if you can imagine that.  Don't recall the last time I ate at 11:15pm, but there's nothing like Pizza at that hour.  Yummy!
Saturday morning, everyone slept in.  I guess my Brother thought he'd really take advantage of this mini vacation.  We didn't see him until almost noon!  We all headed out to the Queen Creek Olive Mill for a little look around.
Of course, we had to sample our purchases and we certainly didn't want to wait for that long drive home.  I mean 1.5 miles.........that's a long trip.  :-)
Since we'd had a satisfying snack, it was off to take a few family pictures.  Wanted something different than just the back yard, so we drove out near the train tracks to an old building.  Got some great shots of everyone.
Although Shane complained that he was a little hot (okay, he really more or less freaked out because he had beads of sweat on his pretty little head and had to run back into the running vehicle for the air conditioning.  These California peope....a little wimpy!  Lol), we took a couple more.
Chris and I don't take many pictures at all.  But this one turned out pretty good.  Good enough that I'll even share it here.
Now it was time to get Shane home before he melted and do a little swimming.  We arrived home to this lovely "thing" in our driveway.
One look at this and I screamed like a little girl and ran for the house!  I am deathly afraid of spiders, bugs, etc.  If it has more than 2 legs and is not human......I'm running.  I should tell you here, I did NOT take this picture.  It was my Husband that you can thank for the lovely camera work.  I can't even stand looking at this picture.  It just gives me the creeps!  If I see another one, we're leaving Arizona for good!!
After almost having a heart attack, it was time for me to relax.  Swimming was definitely on the agenda.
Thanks, Elaine, for coming down and swimming with Savannah again.  It was fun to have you for a couple of hours.
Elena and Savannah are just soaking up that AZ sun!  Looking good, Girls!
Nice to see Chris and Shane enjoying some refreshing pool time too.
Another great family photo in the water.
Now Shane wanted pictures of his cake...........This is what you call a Blue Moon Summer Day.
He couldn't be more excited.
And just to prove that it's real and 100% edible (including the 3 bottles).....
Time for some bb-q ribs from the Pork Shop, corn, beans, blue cheese potato salad and, of course, cake.  Somewhere in the whole slew of happenings, I seem to have missed taking pictures of the grill and all of the grub!  Not sure how that happened, but trust was really good!
For some reason, my Brother decided he needed his hair cut off.  Not later tomorrow or even when they got home, but right then.  So out came the clippers and scissors.  I looked at the clippers and asked exactly how these things work.  At this point, Shane should have realized that I've never cut anyone's hair before and he was in trouble.  But for some unknown reason, he still wanted his hair cut off.  Plugged in the clippers and started in.  Before I had even cut anything, he was telling me that I was pulling and tugging and that it hurt, etc.  SHEESH!  The clippers didn't seem to be working all that well, so we moved on to scissors.

I had a lovely assistant, Elena, who couldn't believe my Brother was allowing me to actually cut his hair off.  
Of course, Chris had to get in on the action too.  Can't leave anyone left out, can we?
Savannah participated, but didn't much care for her "pieces" in the unscheduled event.
We spent the remainder of our evening sitting on the back patio and watching the monsoon roll in and indulging in a few of my latest experiments from the 
This is the Chocolate Martini Jello Shot
It has two layers, which make it look pretty cool.  Nothing like Godiva Liquor and Vanilla Vodka mixed in this.
Here's another one I did.  This is a Mudslide Jello Shot.
I think this tasted wonderful.  Oh, and by the way, I did NOT serve them like this.  This was for pictures only.  You want a jello shot, you get them out of little plastic cups just like everyone else.  Lol!

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