Thursday, August 4, 2011

Funny, Crazy People and their Scissors.

First off, I should say that this post is inspired by my Cousin, Anna.  I'll be honest with you, I thought I was the only person that had stupid little quirks about things like, Scissors, for instance.....Turns out, that's not the case.  I'm glad to see that it runs in the family....well, sort of.....not really, but we don't need to get into all those particulars now.  Just know that family is family and crazy is crazy and being a little different is.....just plain funny.
The above picture is of my beloved scissors.  Yes, they are giant scissors.  They are over 20" long, wooden and don't work, but they are my favorite.  You cannot move them.  You cannot dust them and not put them back properly.  You cannot play with them.  They just belong there, right on the bookshelf.  A place to hold them up and to display them properly.  It's a thing I have......about scissors.
I have scissors everywhere.  Good scissors, somewhat dull scissors, scissors for cutting off split-ends, scissors for baking.....(don't ask, it's hard to explain), scissors at my desk, scissors in my bakery room, scissors for mending (I'd say sewing, but I hardly qualify as a seamstress), even kitchen scissors.  They all have a place.  They all have a function.  
Wait!  Let's think about that last sentence for a bit.....They all have a function.  Yep, that is correct.  You do NOT use kitchen scissors to take to the backyard to cut off a runaway branch that's in your walking path.  You do NOT use the baking scissors to cut open a bag of chips.  You do NOT take scissors out of one place, use them for something and then forget to put them back.  Scissors are sacred.  They can get dull.  They can get nicks in them.  They can get dirty.  They can rust.  I'm not sure about you, but do you want my baking scissors to be used, opening up a UPS box?  I don't think so!  
Anyway, Anna, you're not alone in your "do NOT use my sewing scissors for anything but fabric."  I get it.  I really do.  And, while your issue might only be with your sewing scissors, I SOOOO understand.  This post is for you.  Lol!


  1. Hahahaha- love it :) yeah I guess I forgot to mention all my scissors can only be used for a certain thing... Lol guess I'm the most anal about my sewing ones! Yay fOr huge scissors on display and funny family quirks :)

  2. Who knew such a little thing could be so important, but they are here too! I keep a pair of cruddy ones (they were for sewing at one time, but got borrowed and became junk) on top of the fridge with the jar of pens and pencils. If the kids or Tyler asks for scissors- that's what they get. And for everything besides fabric, they work fine! How does that work?
