Over the past week and a half, I've gone scouring the backs of buildings and old farms, digging thru people's discarded pallets. (I've had permission! I wasn't just randomly trespassing, mind you.) It's so much fun, finding that perfect looking piece and envisioning the many things you can make with it. Since we don't own a truck, just an SUV, I've had to load these pallets into my very clean car and pray all the way home, that no random spider or bug had come as an extra "gift" with my findings. Today, I made poor Chris go with me all the way across town (I mean a 45 minute drive each way) to get $2 pallets, that were in great condition. He didn't seem to mind going, but what he did find objectionable, was me asking him every 5 seconds...."Do you see any bugs??? Look behind my seat! See anything? Are you sure?? Did you really look? I think I have fleas!" My poor Husband!! I have no idea why he puts up with my goings on, but he does. Thankfully, we made it home, without any "bug" incidents! (Just a side note: Anna, Chris would like your mailing address???? I think he has a very special "Thank YOU!" he like to send you. If you could just forward that on to me.................LOL!)
I We started the chore of taking each board off the pallets to begin rearranging them a little closer together. I have become obsessed with each rusty nail, trying to save it, so we can hammer them back into the wood, you know, for authenticity's sake. I've been wanting a recycled pallet headboard and now I have one. It's taken shape pretty well.
Recycled Pallet Headboard |
I am in love with how the wood looks, worn and weathered, with knots here and there. I might add a burlap type of flag, spelling out the word 'relax', but I haven't decided yet. Anyone know how to finish off this headboard, so when company comes, they aren't getting splinters in their heads? We really can't afford someone else's medical bills and not exactly sure how to explain that type of accident to the insurance company......
Chris wants to find a giant compass to go above the headboard. He thinks that will really give it the finished look. His other suggestion was to cut off a front of a real boat and mount that to the wall. He thinks he's Ty Pennington (Extreme Makeover: Home Edition). I asked him where he thought we'd get that and he said we'd just go down to the docks. I'm not sure if Chris realizes it or not, but for the last 7 years, we've lived in ARIZONA, not California. We don't have a lot of docks here! Plus, what is his idea here? Cut off someone's boat and run?? LOL! Good thing I'm not letting him decorate this room!
Tried out a new dessert tonight. Something fun, easy and light. I bought some strawberry's and some Angel Food Cake, cut them up, skewered them and put some melted chocolate over them. So good and definitely not overwhelming after a big meal. Use sugar free Angel Food cake for an even healthier snack.
Strawberries, Chocolate and Angel Food Cake |