I should have known, when I was still up at 4am, that today wasn't going to be a good one. If anything could go wrong, it did, and then some. It's been so bad, that I've just wanted to pummel someone! So, all was going well, until around 10:30ish this morning, when I decided to go out and do some running around, gathering up stuff for my bakery room and generally looking for that elusive red and white striped shower curtain. After hitting my first store, I get an email from a lady that I had sold something to on craigslist, explaining that the Southwest credit I had sold her, could not be put in her name, but had to be used by the original person of the canceled flight. Back in March, I had a last minute canceled trip to St. Louis and while I knew I wouldn't get my money back from Southwest, I knew I at least had a $350 credit. That's all good and well. Chris travels a lot for work, so I was sure he could use it and somehow we'd get reimbursed. Or, I'd take a vacation somewhere and we'd need it. Well, being that it's already August and we aren't planning on going anywhere and Chris has already purchased tickets for his travels, I decided to post the credit on Craigslist, just to see if anyone would take it, at a discounted rate. Sure enough, I got a great lady to buy it and we did a safe paypal transaction over the weekend. Today, she tells me that when she tried to use the credit, Southwest gave her a message that said the original ticket holder was the only person that could use the credit. WHAT??????? I've used many of Southwest credits for other tickets, for other people. I called Southwest and sure enough, recently, they decided to crack down (because other airlines didn't allow their passengers to transfer funds - Seriously, that's what the guy said) and not allow you to give your credit to someone else, even if you book the ticket for them. The original issuer must use all funds. STUPID! What difference is it, if I use the ticket or if I buy the ticket for someone else? It's still being used on Southwest. They are not refunding any money to me. The ticket would be in someone else's name and they would have to provide their own I.D. You can still use a Southwest rewards ticket and issue it in someone else's name. Is there any difference here?? Uuuuhhhhgggg! Now I had to return this very nice woman's money. So, I rush home to do this, as I don't want her to think I was trying to scam her out of anything. Got that all reversed and now that I'm good and bothered, I decide it's time to call Verizon Wireless about my stupid phone. Onto saga #2......
If you've talked to me on the phone over the past 3 years, even just a couple times, you are probably a victim of my one way audio problems. All of the sudden, the person I'm talking to, thinks I've hung up on them, because they no longer can hear me talk. The call is not dropped, it's just audio dropped. I can hear everything the person on the other end of the phone is
saying screaming "Donelle, are you there? Hello? Donelle? Donelle? Hello? What happened? I guess she hung up on me." Now, I'm screaming at the phone, "No, I didn't hang up on you. Wait just a minute. I'll call you back" Of course, this is all to no avail, as THEY CAN'T HEAR ME!!! I've contacted Verizon so many times, I've lost count. I've had so many different Blackberries in the past 3 years, I could open my own store, if I did not have to send each one of them back. Verizon has told me that it's everything from a dropped call (it's not.....I have full bars and I'm still CONNECTED to the other person on the end of the line!!!!), to a bad Blackberry or a bad signal in our house. (Hmmm....Chris has his own cell number on my plan and he doesn't have any of these issues in our house. And, it happens everywhere, not just the house.) How in the world, have I had over 10 different Blackberries and 4 different models, and managed to get a defective one each time??? Does that make sense? Absolutely not!! Yet, for some reason, Verizon fails to figure out what the problem is. Each time a customer service rep promises to call me back and I wait and wait and wait. It's been over 33 months and I'm still waiting for Verizon to figure it out. So, after a bunch of ticked off friends, growing frustration (I'm putting that mildly) on my part, I decide to try an Android phone. The catch is, I don't want to pay for it. I shouldn't have to pay for it!! Verizon has done nothing for me, to fix a known issue and I've never asked them to give me any sort of compensation. Today, I wanted an Android. After negotiating for a bit, they agree to send me one out. (Of course, it's not the one I want, but at this point, I'll take anything to try and figure out my own technical problems) After the customer service person places the order, he then tells me that I must return my blackberry within 10 days of me getting the Android. By this time, I'm so mad, I'm seeing stars! Why in the world should I have to give up a phone, that I'm not too happy about giving up in the first place? I just want to try the droid, to find out if I still have audio issues. I don't want to stick it out, I love my BB! I've been a blackberry user for over 8 years. Up until 3 years ago, I was a happy camper, with both Blackberry and Verizon. Customer Service has gone down hill! I'll get off this nasty subject now, but I had to vent. I can't stand incompetence and people that just ignore something because they can't figure out a problem. Ignoring it, doesn't make the situation go away. It just causes more issues.
Well, now that I've worked myself all into a fit, I think I should just sign off. Tomorrow is another day, right? It will get better, with any luck. :-)