Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mattress Search Comes To An End.

According to Consumer Reports, mattresses are the second most searched item on their site, with cars leading by a small margin.  Let me tell you, if you really want to confuse yourself (and I'm already pretty confused most of the time), start reading reviews and searching for the perfect mattress.  Then, go to different showrooms and try a few out.........then come home and do some more searching and reading.......head back to the stores and try some more beds...........ask friends on FB if they have any of these types of beds, pros/cons, etc.........then research some more and finally, try to retain EVERYTHING you've learned.  Okay, quick.....Which mattress is the best?  Which foam is better or more dense?  What is cooling gel?  How in the world am I going to sell my house fast enough to get the money for that Tempru-Pedic bed that is a "must have", according to all of the sales people?  Got any answers???  I sure didn't.  Buying a mattress that is perfect for you is like finding the perfect computer.  There isn't such a thing!!!!  I did manage to rule out a couple of things right at the beginning.  First off, I did not want another coil/spring type of mattress again.  We've had two different ones in the past 7 years and they both started sagging after year 1.  That kills my back and I wake up extremely grumpy and irritable.  (Which does not please my Husband in any way, shape or form)  Secondly, I decided against a Sleep Number bed, as it's really just 2 Twin XL beds pushed together.  Isn't this the same thing you get on a cruise ship?  I don't live on a cruise ship and have no intentions of sleeping as if I were.  Among the many drawbacks to this setup, you have to buy 2 sets of sheets to go on this split style bed.  Forget about it.  No, really!  Forget about it!  I did!
Now that I have this narrowed down to a memory foam bed (it really is best if you have a bad back), the real horror ensues!  You've got everything from 1-5 layers of different types of foam (all in one foam mattress, mind you) to look at, thickness to consider (8" or 14".  Personally, if I had the time, I'd wait for the 24" foam mattress that comes with it's own built-in ladder, to climb in and out of bed), firmness of foam (medium firm/firm/super firm/rock firm, and I might as well be sleeping on the cement outside, firm), NASA technology (this is not a joke!  NASA created the first memory foam), brands (you name it, it's out there.  Wal-Mart even has one.), foundations (do you need adjustable, zero gravity, box style - specifically for foam, latex and air beds), and finally cost.  The final consideration leaves you screaming for a place to curl up in the fetal position and hoping this mattress nightmare will come to an end and quickly!!  Foam mattresses range in price from $299 thru $10K+.  Yep, you can buy a foam mattress for over $10,000.  If you purchase this, you should have your head examined, but it's an option for you.  And, as the salesmen so nicely told me, when referring to this $10K piece of foam, that I would be dead (seriously, he said this) before I ever needed to buy another mattress again.  I would be dead, if I even considered buying this in the first place.  My husband would make sure of that!  
The fact that we can't sell our house in this market, leaves us ruling out the Tempru-Pedic brand at this current time.  Okay, I can live with the fact that I might have to purchase another bed or two before I drop over.  Now I just have to find the next best thing.  At this point, I've moved into another bedroom to sleep on a slightly firmer mattress, I can barely walk because my back is screaming with pain, and I'm VERY irritated!!!!
I finally have selected a medium cost, medium firm, 4 layers of different foam, foam bed from Costco.  It's got 4.5 stars out of 5, doesn't say it's back ordered and the returns are great, if needs be.  After much deliberating, put it in the cart, only to find out, it takes 4-6 weeks to be delivered and it doesn't come with a foundation.  You've got to be kidding me, right?  I don't have 4-6 weeks.  My back is going to give out on me before the end of the week and I won't be able to move off the floor.  And, who buys a mattress without a foundation?  Back to the drawing board.  My dilemma is this:  If I go into the stores to purchase something, while I may get it quicker, I'll probably end up paying a lot more than if I buy online.  But, if I should have any returns, it will be a lot easier to deal with than shipping something back I purchased online.  This is a big consideration, because when a memory foam mattress arrives at your house, it is vacuumed packed.  When you open it up, it inflates, just like your regular camping mattress. (Camping mattress:  $10  NASA Foam:  $ Priceless, evidently.) Oh, and these foam things weigh as much as a small elephant.  Anywhere from 100lbs (for a twin or your average packing material queen mattress) to over 300lbs.  (I wonder, if included in the price, you get a couple of body builders to come help you turn your mattress every month.  That could explain the cost......hmmmm!)  Anyway, if I decide to buy this online, I sincerely doubt there will be any returns.  No, let me rephrase that......there will be no way to return it.  End of story.  Could this get any worse??
My cousin, Anna, has now told me that they bought a bed from amazon.com and love it!  I've known Anna for a while now, I guess I could trust her judgement. (After all, we are related.)  It was one place I didn't consider, but what the heck!  I don't have anything better to do, but to research more beds.  Surprisingly enough, they have some good stuff on this amazon place.  They even have some consistent reviews (meaning more people actually liked their choice, vs. 4 people liked and 4 people didn't like)  I looked up the brand names and got mostly positive reviews.  Another good sign!  I'm on a roll.  Now, what about delivery?  Guess what?  I can have it all before the end of the week, providing I order within the next hour.  Well, Chris is on the phone with a conference call and knowing how his boss loves meetings, it could be awhile.  Do I make this decision and just go with it?  Bed is considerable cheaper than $10k and I can order bedding and the foundation at the same time.  I'll have to give up on an adjustable hospital type of bed (zero gravity will have to wait until I'm in official training to be an astronaut.) for the next time I go in for surgery.  (That shouldn't be too long, as I tend to have 1 surgery about every other year.)  Overall, I ended up paying about $2K for a kindg size memory foam mattress, foundation, gel foam mattress pad, 2 king size deep pocket sheet sets and duvet comforter cover set.  Now the waiting for delivery ensues.  There will be many clicks on amazon.com, checking to see if the items have shipped or not and when it will all be delivered.  (I am not very patient and can't just wait for an email to come thru, telling me that my products are on their way.)  I'll post my reviews of my items once they all arrive.....and we find a small army to help us move a 200lb bed.  Wish me luck!  Oh, and thanks again, Anna, for the recommendation!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha you make me laugh :) but seriously... That was about our story too accept we were both waking up hurting and grumpy! I really hope you love yours as much as we love ours. Amazon is good about returns tho (I agree I'm not sure how You would package it back up in anything smaller than a dump truck) Thinkin of ya and good luck :)
